
February? More Like Febru-crazy, Amiright?

This February though. So many things happened for us at B7, and since we are too lazy, each major life event that happened in the past month will be conveniently located in this post. So here we go!


The day that will go down in history (actually, probably none of us will be able to remember what happened this day ten years from now but still...) as the craziest day B7 has ever experienced. Shelby and Kelsey both submitted their calls around the same time-ish, but that Saturday, we were really only expecting Shelby's call to get there. And it did!! We all went into a panic mode basically. It was a little chaotic. Angela and Katie were planning on going up to Shelby's to see her open the call, and a little bit before Kelsey texted and said that she got her call too! That's when things got a little too crazy for us. 
Kelsey's Call

Shelby's Call

Shelby was opening her call that night, but Kelsey decided to torture us and wait until the next weekend, because her dad was parking cars at the Super Bowl. 

Shelby's Call

Missouri Independence Visitor's Center! Shelby is reporting June 15th, and will probably be the greatest missionary ever seen at the Visitor's center. Missouri doesn't even know what's coming for them. We are all so proud of Shelby and the great decision she has made! She really is just the greatest example of how to live the gospel, and have fun while doing it. 

February 8th

The day we discovered that we can all fit on the same bed. Our lives were forever changed by this discovery. 

February 9th

If we're gonna be honest, February 9th was probably really the best day of the month. NATIONAL PIZZA DAY. Katie (who is undeniably a genius) had the great idea of getting one pizza from every pizza place within the nearest ten miles to celebrate the most important holiday of the year. So that is exactly what we did. It was basically the most exciting thing we've done all semester. 

February 12th

After a torturous week, Saturday finally arrived- the day of Kelsey's mission call opening. Angela, Katie, and Shelby went up to Eagle Mountain to watch it get opened. 

Kelsey's Call

Orlando Florida Spanish Speaking! Kelsey reports a week after Shelby does, on June 22nd. And the craziest thing is, our friend Kylie left for the exact same mission a couple weeks ago. Never in our entire lives would we have guessed that. In fact, I think we should head down to Vegas, because Kelsey is obviously really great at beating the odds. So Kelsey's call summed up into one sentence (as said by Shelby Bishop): "The happiest girl I know is going to the happiest mission on earth."

February 19th

AKA the day Shelby got to put her big girl underwear on!

February 28th

AKA the day we all discovered how stinkin' adorable we all are when we're in the same pictures. Also, the first time we've ever taken pictures with just us roommates.  

March 5th

Okay, not February, but still super important. The day Kelsey got to put her big girl underwear on!

Other Important February Events

Marissa's Gentleman Caller

Marissa's one of those girls who can complain about not getting any dates, and then suddenly have like half on Snow College looking to wife her. It really all started when Marissa made the horrible mistake of confessing to Shelby and Angela that she thought a boy in our ward was cute. To keep the identity of this boy safe, in case for some reason he ever stumbles across our little blog, we will call him "Jack." Here's a picture of "Jack."
(Facial features redacted for safety reasons)

Anyway, here are some possible couple names for Marissa and "Jack"
And that's about all I got. 

Anyway, Shelby and Angela mentioned to "Jack" that he should ask Marissa out. And ask her out... he did not. But "Jack" still made quite a few visits to our house. That Friday night, he even stayed over for a movie, where Mack (or Jarissa) held hands for the first time. It was seriously the cutest thing ever. And then when they did it the next day, it was just as adorable. Little does Marissa know that the rest of her roommates already have her wedding planned out on Pinterest. 
Anyway, the weekend romance was really just that- a weekend romance. But it still made for a good one. We also discovered that Shelby is like our bad luck, and all the interesting things happen when she leaves for the weekend. 

Bailee Celebrates Her 15th Trip Down the Stairs!

What a wonderful day this was! Tripping on the stairs is a common occurrence in B7, and one thing we are really good at is keeping track of how many times one of us trips. Bailee had her 14th trip a about a week before, so the entire week was filled with suspense, until it finally happened. 
One B7 tradition is that anytime a major life event happens to someone (besides getting engaged) Katie will make their favorite dessert. This was definitely a major life event, so Bailee chose strawberry shortcake. There were also candles involved. 
Can't wait for Bailee's 20th trip. That will be a real party. 

Angela Gets a Job

Angela applied for an awesome summer job at a camp as a counselor, and found out she got it the same day Shelby got her call! Of course, we all knew that Angela would get the job, because she's just that awesome, but still... Anyway, for Angela's job, she has to find a nickname that she'll go by, so we had a great time coming up with names that she could use.

Marissa Gets Accepted to Weber  Dixie (sorry Marissa, I accidentally keep doing that) and Decides Not to Tell US

Smart pants Marissa got accepted to Dixie,and decided for some reason not to tell any of us, until she causally mentioned it in some conversation like ti was no big deal. Along with the acceptance, Marissa also got a full ride to go along with it, which only means that Marissa's husband is going to be one smart man, marrying someone without student loans like that. 

So while the month was absolutely crazy, I think we all agree it is the best one we've had a roommates. 

Our Week in Pictures (and Videos)

 First week of the semester, and first week with two new roommates, Shelby and Angela! While it was a crazy week of getting used to school and each other (see last video), we enjoyed (almost) every moment of it. Here are some picture and video highlights of the week!